Introduction to Lettuce

Lettuce: A Popular Fresh Leaf Vegetable

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most popular fresh leaf vegetables because of its versatility, so it is widely used as a condiment in salad or you can eat it directly. This vegetable is also a complement in various food dishes, such as junk food, salads, and in traditional foods. Lettuce originated in West Asia and then spread throughout Asia and temperate and hot countries. Lettuce is widely cultivated in Indonesia in lowland and highland areas.

Binomial Name

Lactuca sativa

Scientific Classification




















Lactuca sativa

Origin of Lettuce

From West Asia and the Americas to the Rest of the World

Lettuce is a plant that originated in the valley regions of West Asia. Cultivated in Egypt since 4,500 BC, it was originally used as medicine and oil. It then spread to Greece where it was eaten as medicine, and then continued by the Romans to produce other types of lettuce such as romaine.

Fun Facts

In Indonesia, lettuce is often used as a side dish to accompany heavy meals such as rice in traditional dishes.


Lettuce paintings in ancient Egyptian tombs show that lettuce has been cultivated since 4,500 BC and became a sacred plant of the ancient Egyptian god of reproduction, Min.

Nutritional Content of Lettuce

Per (100 gram)

1,2 gr


0,2 gr


2,9 gr


1,8 gr


22 mg


25 mg


19 mg


0,03 mg


0,2 mg


186,4 mg


0,5 mg

Vitamin A

1526 mcg

Vitamin B1

0,04 mg

Vitamin B2

0,13 mg

Vitamin B3

0,4 mg

Vitamin C

8 mg

Manfaat Kesehatan Utama

Menjaga Kesehatan Jantung

Mencegah risiko penyumbatan pembuluh darah dan melawan radikal bebas.

Merawat Kecantikan Kulit

Vitamin A dan Vitamin C dalam selada membantu merawat kulit lebih sehat, kencang, dan lembut .

Meningkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh

Menjaga sel-sel imun dalam melawan virus dan bakteri penyebab penyakit.

Menjaga Kesehatan Mata

Membantu menjaga kondisi mata agar tetap sehat dan tajam meskipun usia terus bertambah.

Menyehatkan Tulang

Kandungan vitamin K dan Kalsium berguna mencegah pengeroposan tulang, osteopenia, maupun osteoporosis.

Mengontrol Tekanan Darah

Berperan membantu kerja otot jantung bekerja secara optimal dalam memompa darah.

Varietas Selada

Varietas Selada yang Harus Kamu Tahu

Crispa Variety Lettuce

Crispa varieties are characterized by a curled leaf rosette, mild flavor, and smooth edges. Examples include curly lettuce, red lettuce.

Capitata variety lettuce

The capitata variety is characterized by leaves that are layered to form a dense head like cabbage. This lettuce is crunchier and has a stronger flavor than other lettuces. Examples are butterhead lettuce, crisphead lettuce.

Longifolia Variety Lettuce

The longifolia variety is characterized by smooth leaves that form a tall, oval, and loose head. An example is romaine lettuce.


You should know

Lettuce has several varieties with various types of leaf shapes that are unique, beautiful, and generally still rarely known.

Economic and Market Potential

Lettuce: An Export Commodity with Wide Open Market Potential

Lettuce is not just another fresh vegetable, it is also an important horticultural commodity in Indonesia. The demand for lettuce in the world market continues to increase, this is shown by the increase in lettuce exports. The export value of lettuce in 2021 reached 1,788,179 tons. Having a high selling value and relatively stable prices, as well as an increase in people’s preferences, especially in urban areas, for lettuce vegetables, provides an opportunity for a surge in demand for this commodity.

Nilai Ekspor

In 2019, the number of lettuce vegetable exports in Indonesia decreased by 1,500,000 kg and there was a lettuce import of 171,000 kg.

Fakta Menarik

Domestic lettuce production is low due to the narrowing of agricultural land.

Read More Articles about Lettuce at Kebunindo

Explore more articles about lettuce at Kebunindo. Learn more about the cultivation, benefits, and economic potential of lettuce.

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