Introduction of Tomatoes

Tomato Commodity: Fresh from the Field, Rich in Benefits for Every Dish!

Tomatoes play an important role in complementing the taste of dishes both in fresh and processed form such as sauces and juices. Enjoyed fresh, tomatoes have their own charm because their round shape, bright red color and distinctive sweet taste make them different from other fruits. Apart from that, tomatoes contain essential nutrients, especially vitamins A and C which are beneficial for health, including helping to cure canker sores and treating night blindness.

Apart from high domestic demand, tomatoes are also an attractive export commodity for producing countries (exporters). Even though the export volume is not as large as potatoes, tomatoes still compete with other commodities such as shallots and other vegetables. However, the amount of exports is still not sufficient for international demand. This is due to the quality of Indonesian tomato exports which still needs to be improved to compete with other countries.


How to Plant Tomatoes

From Land Preparation to Abundant Harvest

Prepare the Land

Clean the weeds on the land and plow the soil until it is loose Make a bed 1-1.2 m wide and adjust the length of the bed to the land conditions. Bed height for dry land: 20-40 cm

Tomato Seed Seeding

Prepare a seedbed for the seeds, such as a nursery box (tray). Use a mixture of soil, husk charcoal and manure in a ratio of 1:1:1 as a planting medium. Plant the seeds one by one into the tray.

Planting tomatoes

Tomato seeds can be transferred to the field after 25-30 days from sowing. Plant in the afternoon to reduce the risk of wilting and help the plants adapt to the land. Make sure the tomato leaves do not touch the ground to avoid rot and disease.

Routine care for maximum growth

Replant immediately if any plants die or are eaten by pests. Embroidery aims to ensure the plant grows well and produces lots of fruit.

Correct Harvesting Method for Quality Results

Tomatoes can be harvested for the first time 90 days after transplanting. Harvesting can be done every 3-5 days until the fruit runs out.

Binomial name

Solanum tomato

Scientific Classification


















St. tomato

The Origin of the Tomato

From America's Weeds To Indonesia's Tropical Regions

If we look at its history, the tomato plant originates from America, namely the Andean region which is part of Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Initially in their home country, tomato plants were only known as weeds. However, as time progressed, tomatoes began to be planted, both in the field and in home gardens, as cultivated plants or plants for consumption. In tropical countries like Indonesia, tomato plants have a fairly wide distribution area, namely in the highlands (≥ 700 m asl), medium highlands (450 – 699 m asl), medium lowlands (200 – 499 m asl), and plains. low (≤ 199 m above sea level).

Tomato Commodity Production Centers in Indonesia

West Java

North Sumatra

East Java

West Sumatra

South Sulawesi


2 Interesting Facts

Apparently, there are more than 7,500 varieties of tomatoes in the world! Each variety brings unique flavors, colors and shapes, making tomatoes one of the most diverse and beneficial plants.

Regular consumption of tomatoes has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including improving heart health, supporting vision, and even helping reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Tomato Nutritional Content

Per (100 gram)

1,3 gr


0,5 gr


4.7 gr


1,5 gr


8 mg


77 mg


10 mg


0,14 mg


0,2 mg


164,9 mg


0,7 mg

Beta carotene

575 mcg

Vitamin B1

0,06 mg

Vitamin B2

0,7 mg

Vitamin B3

0,4 mg

Vitamin C

34 mg

Key Health Benefits

Maintain eye health

Lutein and zeaxanthin contained in tomatoes functions as an important nutrient for eye health. Both of these antioxidants are forms of vitamin A which can help prevent aging-related eye damage including macular degeneration.

Lower and control blood pressure

The potassium content in tomatoes is known to reduce sodium levels which can contribute to increased blood pressure.

Maintains heart and blood vessel health

Lutein and lycopene in tomatoes can also reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL) which will ultimately reduce the risk of narrowing and blockages in the blood vessels.

Prevents premature aging of the skin

Vitamin C plays a role in stimulating collagen production which can help prevent signs of premature aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Strengthening body immunity

With vitamin C and beta carotene content, tomatoes can improve the immune system. This benefit comes from the antioxidant properties of vitamin C and beta carotene which contribute to strengthening the body’s immune system.

Tomato Varieties

Tomato Varieties You Should Know

Tomato Opal

This local variety is resistant to bacterial wilt and root rot. Adaptive at an altitude of 100–850 m above sea level. It weighs 110–175 grams per fruit, with juicy and soft flesh that is suitable for making pasta.

Tomat Perdana

The fruit is round and has a hard texture, suitable for long-distance transportation. Weighs 70–80 grams per fruit, and is resistant to bacterial wilt and Phytophthora.

Tomat Mirah

Suitable for lowlands (100–500 m above sea level) and resistant to various diseases. Has a yield of 30–45 tonnes per hectare, weighing around 80 grams per fruit.

Tomat Zamrud

Orange-red in color and ovoid in shape, with a dense texture that is ideal for long-distance transportation. First harvest at 90–100 days, with potential production of 30–35 tons per hectare.


You Must Know

Tomatoes are one of the most widely cultivated plants throughout the world because they can grow in various climatic conditions.

Economic and Market Potential

Tomatoes: An Export Commodity with Great Potential

In 2022, Indonesia will succeed in exporting around 1.12 million tons of tomatoes. In the ASEAN region, Indonesia is in second place as the largest tomato exporting country. However, in terms of export volume, Indonesia is still behind Malaysia, which leads as the main exporter of tomatoes in the region.

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