Types and Varieties of Spinach That Are Interesting to Cultivate

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      Types and Varieties of Spinach that are Interesting to Cultivate

      Spinach is the second most consumed vegetable commodity after kale, reaching an average of 3,192 kg/capita per year. With the high level of spinach consumption, this vegetable is widely cultivated to meet market needs.

      This article discusses the types of spinach based on how to harvest and their color so that you can determine the type and variety of spinach to be planted. Planting spinach can be a fun activity with the right care for a satisfying harvest.

      Types of Spinach Based on Harvesting Method

      mistakes when growing spinach harvesting during the day
      harvesting spinach

      Based on the characteristics and purpose of its use, spinach consists of pulled spinach (Amaranthus tricolor) and picked spinach (Amaranthus dubius). Having small leaves and short stems, pulled spinach is harvested by pulling it out to the roots after about 20-25 days. This spinach is often consumed as clear vegetable soup.

      Having wide leaves and upright stems, upright spinach is harvested later, around 30-40 days after planting but can be harvested repeatedly. Spinach that is harvested by picking is often processed into pecel, gado-gado, or as a salad.

      Differences between Green Spinach, Red Spinach, and Batik Spinach

      mistakes when growing spinach ignoring spinach type
      spinach type

      Based on its color, spinach is divided into green spinach, red spinach, and batik spinach. In addition to color, it turns out that these three types of spinach have various nutritional content and health benefits.

      Red spinach is purplish red because it contains anthocyanin pigments, while green spinach is yellowish green to dark green because it contains chlorophyll pigments. Meanwhile, batik spinach is a cross between green spinach and red spinach so it has two colors, namely red in the middle of the leaf and green on the edges.

      Red spinach is sweeter and softer, while green spinach is slightly more bitter. Red spinach does not contain oxalate, making it suitable for consumption by kidney stone sufferers.

      Like green spinach, batik spinach contains high iron. Batik spinach is also like red spinach which contains substances that form red blood cells.

      Spinach Varieties You Can Use

      After getting to know the types of spinach starting from the way of picking to the color, it’s time for you to determine the spinach variety to be used. varieties with high yield potential and resistant to pests or diseases.

      1. Maestro Spinach

      bayam hijau maestro panahmerah.id 30-1-2025
      spinach maestro panahmerah.id 30-1-2025

      Bayam Maestro is a bright green spinach that is recommended for planting in low to medium altitudes. This spinach has round leaves with a soft and non-fibrous texture. This spinach is slow to flower and does not easily propagate.

      This spinach can be harvested at the age of 20-30 HST with high production, namely 500 grams of seeds produce 1500 bunches and has the potential to produce 12-15 tons/hectare. This variety is resistant to powdery mildew disease.

      2. Maryland Spinach

      bayam hijau maryland store.goldenfarm99.com 30-1-2025
      spinach maryland store.goldenfarm99.com 30-1-2025

      Maryland green spinach has wider and smoother leaves than other types of spinach. This spinach can be cultivated in lowlands and harvested after 25-30 days.

      3. Richie Spinach

      bayam hijau Richie web.facebook.com 30-1-2025
      spinach Richie web.facebook.com 30-1-2025

      This spinach that looks like water spinach is Richie spinach. This spinach has short stems and pointed leaves. This spinach is suitable for cultivation in lowlands and can be harvested in 25-30 days after planting.

      4. Amarin Spinach

      bayam hijau amarin benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach amarin benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025

      Amarin Spinach is a spinach with yellowish green leaves and green stems. With a production of 12-17 tons/hectare, this spinach can be harvested after 25 HST. This pulled spinach can be cultivated in the lowlands with a slightly sweet taste.

      5. Kubah Spinach

      bayam hijau kubah benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach kubah benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025

      Bayam Kubah is a spinach that has dark green leaves and stems. This spinach can be harvested approximately 20 HST with a potential yield of 23 tons/hectare. This spinach is cultivated in the lowlands and is resistant to leaf fall during the rainy season.

      6. Mira Spinach

      bayam merah mira panahmerah.id 30-1-2025
      spinach mira panahmerah.id 30-1-2025

      Mira spinach is a red spinach that is suitable for planting in low to medium plains. With fast and uniform growth, this spinach can be harvested at the age of 25-30 HST. This spinach is a vigorous plant with sturdy, upright and strong stems and is resistant to powdery mildew or blorok on leaves.

      7. Red Spinach

      bayam red benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach red benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025

      Red Spinach has dark red leaves and stems and tastes a bit sweet. This pulled spinach is suitable for planting in lowlands and is harvested after 17 days.

      8. Baret Merah Spinach

      bayam baret merah garudaseed.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach baret merah garudaseed.co.id 30-1-2025

      Red Baret Spinach is a red spinach that is suitable for planting in lowlands to highlands. This spinach grows upright with a height of 20-30 cm. This spinach can be harvested after 25-30 HSS.

      9. Giti Hijau Spinach

      bayam giti hijau dpkp.tangerangkab.go.id 30-1-2025
      spinach giti hijau dpkp.tangerangkab.go.id 30-1-2025

      Another green spinach is Giti Hijau which has whitish green leaves. This spinach can be harvested for vegetables 28 days after planting while for seeds 60 days after planting. Cultivation of this spinach has the potential to reach 5.6 tons of spinach leaves per hectare.

      10. Giti Merah Spinach

      bayam giti merah tjapbukitmas.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach giti merah tjapbukitmas.co.id 30-1-2025

      Red Giti Spinach is a batik spinach that has red leaves in the middle and green on the edges. This spinach can be harvested for vegetables 30 days after planting while for seeds 60 days after planting. Cultivation of this spinach has the potential to produce 3.5 tons of spinach leaves per hectare.

      11. Belang Spinach

      bayam belang benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025
      spinach belang benihcitraasia.co.id 30-1-2025

      Another batik spinach is Belang spinach which is dominated by red with green on the edges and green stems. With a production of 12-17 tons/hectare, this spinach can be harvested at 22 HST. This pulled spinach is suitable for planting in the lowlands and has a slightly sweet taste.

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