Get to Know The Types of Coffee That Are Popular in Indonesia

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      Get to Know The Types of Coffee That Are Popular in Indonesia

      Most of us have tasted coffee, but can we feel the difference in taste? Getting to know the types of coffee and their characteristics can enhance the experience of enjoying a cup of coffee by better understanding its origins and taste. 

      In Indonesia, there are three most common types of coffee, namely Arabica, Robusta and Liberica coffee. The following is a brief explanation of each type of coffee that is widely cultivated in Indonesia.

      1. Arabica Coffee

      arabica coffee bean
      arabica coffee bean

      This coffee is known for its more sour taste and smaller coffee beans. Arabica coffee plants are usually shorter, with a height of around 2.5-4.5 meters. 

      Arabica coffee grows in areas between 1,000-2,000 meters above sea level (masl) and requires rainfall of between 1,250-2,500 mm/year. Several well-known Arabica coffee producing areas include the Gayo highlands, Mount Kerinci and the slopes of Mount Kaba.

      2. Robusta Coffee

      robusta coffee bean
      robusta coffee bean

      Robusta coffee has a more bitter taste with smaller beans and curly leaves. Robusta coffee plants tend to be taller, reaching 4.5-6 meters. 

      This coffee grows well in areas with an altitude of between 100-600 meters above sea level and requires rainfall of around 1,250-2,500 mm/year. Some well-known Robusta coffee producing areas are Ciwidey in West Java, Flores in West Nusa Tenggara, and Kotabumi in Lampung.

      3. Liberica Coffee

      liberica coffee bean
      liberica coffee bean

      Liberika coffee has a taste that is a combination of sour and bitter. This coffee bean is larger than Arabica and Robusta. 

      Liberica coffee grows in areas between 0-900 meters above sea level, with quite high rainfall, between 1,250-3,500 mm/year. Liberica coffee plants are often found in the Jambi and Bengkulu areas, especially in swamplands near the coast.

      Each type of coffee has different environmental needs, which makes it suitable for growing in areas with certain conditions. Choosing the right type of coffee according to the climate and soil greatly influences the quality and taste of the coffee beans produced.

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      Picture of Erly Indriani
      Erly Indriani
      I am a writer committed to providing clear and practical insights on sustainable farming practices, advancements in agricultural technology, and food security. I write to educate farmers and the public, aiming to raise awareness about the critical role of sustainable agriculture in building a better future. Know more about her on Linkedin

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